Second Hand Chanel Handbags For Sale

The only thing better than finding the Chanel bag of your dreams is finding it at an affordable price. Here at Her Authentic, we can help you find the perfect handbag for daily use and those special occasions in your life. If you ever tried to buy a designer bag on the internet before, you know all about the hassles of making sure that it’s authentic. We take some of the hassles out of your shopping experience because we sell only 100% authentic designer bags. Now is a great time to take a look at the history of this amazing company and some of the gorgeous bags that you can buy today.

History of Chanel

Coco Chanel was more than just a fashion designer: she was a style icon. She told women to pause before leaving the house and remove one item when looking in the mirror. Chanel claimed that far too many women thought that they needed dozens of accessories when they needed just a few statement pieces. She created the iconic logo that features two interlocked capital C’s as a way to draw attention to her name. The company still uses that logo today and makes Chanel N. 5, which was her favorite perfume. When you shop our high-end resale site, you can purchase authentic Chanel bags that help you make a statement, too.

Why Invest in a Chanel Bag?

When you can walk into any department store and get a good handbag for a few hundred dollars or less, you might wonder why you should spend so much more on a Chanel bag. The best reason is that this is a bag you can wear for years. Chanel bags feature the craftsmanship that you expect from a designer label, including the stitching that won’t come loose and leather that holds up well to daily activities. These bags are so durable that you might even find yourself passing one down to your daughter.

Another reason to splurge one of these high-end resale bags is that you get an iconic bag that will never go out of style. You can feel as if you’re walking down a red carpet when you run errands or pick up groceries. Have you ever bought a trendy bag and found that the trend passed within the next few months? Chanel bags are so timeless that they are always right on-trend. Every woman who passes you on the street will look back when you go by. Even those who don’t know the Chanel name will automatically notice the double C design and stare at you with envy.

Though the high prices of second-hand Chanel handbags for sale might make you think twice, think about something called price per use (PPU). PPU refers to how much money you spend on a bag in terms of how much you get out of it. If you spend $200 on a bag that falls apart within six months, the PPU of the bag is more than $33 per month. If you spend $2,000 on a Chanel bag that you use for 10 years, the PPU is less than $20 per month. While you might spend more on the bag today, you pay less for it in the future.

Celebrities Love Chanel Bags

Women on the street aren’t the only ones who love Chanel bags. Many popular celebrities love these bags so much that they rarely leave home without one. Jessie J picked the Chanel Flap Bag as her favorite due to its timeless design and the fact that it can hold her favorite things. Nicky Hilton carries the Chanel Chain Trim Bowler Bag and often reaches for other designs with an attached chain. Other celebrities who love some of the same second-hand designer bags that we sell include Jennifer Lopez, Cameron Diaz, and Sarah Jessica Parker. Parker even used some of these bags on her television show “Sex and the City.”

ChanelBuy Second Hand Chanel Bags

Buying vintage and gently loved Chanel bags online is easy, especially when you choose us. We have multiple styles available that are perfect for special occasions and everyday wear. You might choose the Chanel Metallic Coated Canvas Large Paris Biarritz Tote when you want something that goes with you to work and anywhere else you go. This bag has a metallic gold finish that will turn heads and sturdy handles that help you carry it. The tote design also gives you plenty of storage space. With the Chanel Lambskin Camellia Embossed Wallet on a Chain in pink, you get a bag that is perfect for a night on the town or a birthday dinner. We love the embossed roses printed over the top, too.

Why Choose Us?

The top question that we get from buyers is why they should sell their Chanel bags to us. We know that making the decision to sell your Chanel isn’t an easy one. You might need extra money to pay an emergency bill or cover an unexpected expense. We also deal with sellers who want to get rid of their old bags and earn money that they can use to buy a new design. At Her Authentic, you’ll find that we make the selling process as easy and painless as possible. When you sell your bag yourself, you’ll often find that you don’t keep as much as you wanted because buyers are skeptical about purchasing from individuals. Even if you do get the price that you want, the payment processor might hold your payment for as much as six weeks or longer. You also risk the buyer trying to return the bag to you and sending back a fake.

How It Works

When you shop and sell with Her Authentic, we recommend that you fill out our simple online form and get a quote. You need to enter your name and email address along with the type of bag that you want to sell and some basic information. Let us know more details about the bag such as whether it has any scuffs on the exterior or rips in the lining. You even have the chance to upload photos, which we use to determine the value of your preloved Chanel handbags. Though we send an offer to your email, we will never demand that you accept it.

Shop Chanel Purses and Wallets for Sale

Are you tired of drooling over pre-owned Chanel for sale online and are ready to take the plunge and make a purchase? We offer an extensive range of authentic Chanel for sale, including some of the popular and timeless designs that celebrities carry. Our shoppers find that we offer some nice benefits such as free US shipping and guarantees that we sell only 100% authentic designer bags. You can use our second hand Chanel bags FAQ’s section to learn more about the benefits of these bags before checking out the designs that we have in stock. Once you browse our second-hand Chanel handbags for sale and select the one that you want, you can checkout with PayPal or your credit card. Why spend months or even years wishing that you had a classic bag and dealing with cheap purses that fall apart in months? You can buy second-hand Chanel bags from us today.


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